Oxford College of Business shines at Best Corporate Citizen Awards 2019
Sri Lanka’s premier Higher Education Provider, Oxford College of Business, (OCB) set new benchmarks across the Sri Lankan higher education sector having been presented with two awards at the recently concluded Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) Best Corporate Citizen Sustainability Awards 2019 (BCCSA). Oxford College of Business was declared Winner in the event’s flagship category for Companies with Less Than Rs.15 Billion Annual Turnover. Additionally, Oxford College of Business was also declared the Sector Award Winner in the Knowledge Services Sector.
Commenting on the significance of the OCB’s performance at this year’s awards, Director/CEO Malindu Ranasinghe commented on the importance of sustainability and responsible corporate citizenship to the Business School’s business model. “Oxford College of Business is delighted to receive two of the most important accolades at the 2019 Best Corporate Citizen Awards and I give all Glory and Honour to Christ alone for this great achievement. Oxford College of Business’s position as one of Sri Lanka’s largest and most respected private higher education institutions comes with a great deal of responsibility. As a higher education provider that has elevated sustainability and commitment to the planet to defining characteristics, we are determined to ensure that all of OCB’s operations are not only geared towards ensuring a strong top and bottom line performance, but are also aligned with the needs of Sri Lankan society and its economy.”
Consequently, Oxford College of Business has continuously channelled investment into projects that are designed to empower customers, spark opportunities for job and wealth creation, while facilitating the development of infrastructure and other projects vital to placing the Sri Lankan economy on a more sustainable trajectory. “Our resounding performance at the CCC Best Corporate Citizen Awards 2019 is emblematic of our commitment to value creation – socially, environmentally and economically. Oxford College of Business has long been involved in the process of shared value creation at every level of the Sri Lankan economy. In this manner, we have been able to promote educational empowerment for a substantial segment of the Sri Lankan society.”
Oxford College of Business has also diligently channelled investment into projects of national significance and also initiated multiple sustainability projects as part of the Oxford College of Business’s Green Pledge including: tree planting, and e-waste reduction campaigns in addition to investments into green classrooms, energy efficient classrooms. Elaborating on the strategies and policies that contributed towards the Company’s remarkable performance at this year’s awards, Mr. Malindu Ranasinghe reiterated the need for all Sri Lankan corporates to actively engage in sustainable practices. “Social and environmental sustainability are no longer factors which can be added on to an existing business model. The businesses of tomorrow are those which embed sustainability and social responsibility today. In order to best align with this new reality, Oxford College of Business has already undergone major transformations that prioritize triple bottom line growth and foster sustainable economic opportunities at every level of the national economy, and today the Business School’s sustainability strategy has become a central pillar in OCB’s wider vision for the Sri Lankan economy.”
Oxford College of Business stands as Sri Lanka’s leading and most respected private higher education provider, having been recognized by several renowned international and local institutions for excellence in diverse fields. In 2019 Oxford College of Business was placed among the top 25 Best Places to Work for in Sri Lanka in 2019 for the 6th consecutive year by Great Place To Work institute and ranked 20th best Workplace in Asia. Oxford College of Business was also recognized as one of the Best Workplaces for Women in Sri Lanka in 2019 and Gold Award winner at the CNCI (Ceylon National Chamber of Commerce) Achiever Awards 2019 – National Level Service Sector – Small Category. Its Annual Report “In Our DNA 2018/19” won the Bronze Award at the 55th Annual Report Awards 2019 organized by CA Sri Lanka.