Navigating Sri Lanka’s Price-Sensitive Higher Education Market - Oxford College of Business Sri Lanka

Navigating Sri Lanka’s Price-Sensitive Higher Education Market


In today’s competitive business landscape, seasoned leaders and managers are increasingly realizing the importance of pursuing masters qualification to gain a competitive edge and unlock new opportunities in their careers. A masters qualification equips professionals with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to thrive in both local and global business environments. However, amidst the high-risk economy in Sri Lanka, prospective students must carefully consider their options when selecting an MBA program, especially in a highly price-sensitive market.

Advantages of masters qualification for Business Leaders:

For seasoned business leaders and managers, a masters qualification offers a range of advantages. It provides an opportunity to enhance their strategic thinking, leadership abilities, and decision-making skills. For examples: an MBA equips professionals with a solid understanding of various functional areas of business, such as finance, marketing, and operations, enabling them to tackle complex business challenges. Furthermore, the extensive networks and connections established during their master’s program can open doors to new career prospects both locally and globally.

Challenges of the High-Risk Economy:

Sri Lanka currently faces the challenges of a high-risk economy, with currency fluctuations and economic volatility impacting various sectors. In this context, it becomes crucial for prospective students to consider the financial implications of pursuing master’s program, particularly in a market where 95% of the qualifications are UK-based. The local post-graduate education market in Sri Lanka is highly price sensitive, and institutes often charge a variable price based on the fluctuation of the GBP.

The Pitfalls of Variable Pricing:

Variable pricing can be disadvantageous for students, especially in a volatile economy. With every depreciation of the Sri Lankan rupee, students enrolled in master’s programs may end up paying more than initially planned. This uncertainty can create financial challenges and disrupt their educational journey. In such a price-sensitive market, students must prioritize selecting programs that offer a fixed price throughout the entire duration of the course.

Advantages of a Fixed Price:

Opting for master’s program with a fixed price provides students with peace of mind and financial stability. By knowing the exact cost of their education upfront, students can plan their finances more effectively and avoid any unexpected financial burdens during their studies. A fixed price allows students to focus on their education, personal growth, and networking opportunities without the constant worry of rising costs.

Stability and Franchise Partnership:

In addition to the financial advantages, a fixed price offered by an institute reflects the stability of the Sri Lankan institution. It indicates that the institute is committed to providing a transparent and consistent educational experience, despite economic fluctuations. Furthermore, a fixed price also signifies a strong franchise partnership between the local institute and the international accrediting body, ensuring quality education and adherence to global standards.

Choosing the Right Program:

Prospective students should carefully evaluate their options and consider the reputation, curriculum, faculty, and career outcomes when selecting a master’s program. However, in a price-sensitive market like Sri Lanka, it is equally important to prioritize programs that offer a fixed price. This ensures financial predictability and stability throughout the entire duration of the course, allowing students to fully focus on their education and future career goals.


In a highly price-sensitive market like Sri Lanka when it comes to higher education, prospective students should be cautious when selecting a master’s program. Opting for a program with a fixed price offers numerous advantages, providing financial stability, predictability, and peace of mind. By choosing a program with a fixed price, students can navigate the high-risk economy more effectively and focus on acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their careers. Selecting the right program with a fixed price demonstrates prudence and ensures a stable educational journey in the pursuit of their master’s qualification.