Out of Darkness - Oxford College of Business Sri Lanka

Lighting up under privileged children’s homes and hearts

‘Out of the Darkness ‘is a CSR initiative carried out by the Oxford College of Business together with the OCB Alumni. Out of the darkness, is our bold attempt to give to those who cannot afford what we got for ourselves- An “education.” Because we believe education is not just every child's right, but every human being's.

We aim to identify under privileged children in extreme rural areas a chance to change their future through education. By offering light to their humble dwellings and making an island wide difference to their lives which will inspire these children to study under more comfortable living conditions because we believe knowledge does to a child's future, what no other opportunity can.

Our target

We are committed to 100 by end of 2016 and extend the ambition to 250 homes by 2017. Our first phase is in one of the remotest villages in Wilpattu. We have identified several other such poor and rural villages in the East coast, the south and the north central provinces. The joy and promise the project brings to these innocent and incredibly determined young faces alone is enough reason to make the efforts worthwhile many folds over.

Let’s shed a little light, and those who are willing will find a way!

Here’s how you can help:

your Donation
Light up a home LKR 12,000.00
Light up two homes LKR 24,000.00
Light up three homes LKR 36,000.00
Light up four homes LKR 48,000.00
Light up five homes LKR 60,000.00