Donation of 16 Tabs to students residing in Thanthirimale - Oxford College of Business Sri Lanka

Donation of 16 Tabs to students residing in Thanthirimale

Every parent’s aspiration is to see his/her child do well in life; in Thanthirimale it is no different. With the guidance of the Chief Prelate of the area, 16 well deserving children were chosen for our CSR project to receive tablets. The children, all coming from underprivileged backgrounds, are sitting for their Advanced Level exams in 2022. These tablets will provide them much needed access to online education
At Oxford College of Business, our focus is on equipping and providing the necessary resources to our future generation with simple acts of kindness. Education and access to it is a basic human right, and it is our mission to provide them that. With the potential of being future leaders of our country, we strongly believe that they will need to be well equipped in order to contribute to our country and uplift their own lives.

With the completion of the project on the 2nd of October 2021, Oxford College of Business together with its dedicated Alumni community were truly humbled to be able to make a positive impact to the lives of these 16 school children.
We will continue to focus on education in every CSR project we plan in the future